3 paragraphs. Done and gone.
Thanks for playing child Allen.
Good luck next time.
I, for one, am glad that Cleveland.com has its priorities in order.
"Man has turned into a Dog. Discipline is what the world needs today. And etiquette, you know.For one of the Noblest things a Man can do is to do the best he can, yeah..."- Prince Far I, Heavy Manners
To quote the All Music Guide biography on the mighty Prince:
"... He certainly cannot be categorized as a singer, although at times -- especially during chanted passages -- there was definitely a singsong quality to his vocals, and in that respect the closest comparison was to Winston Rodney of Burning Spear. However, that group actually wrote lyrics, while Prince Far I vocals were a stream of consciousness that belongs in the DJ realm. But to call him a toaster is equally inaccurate. His delivery was reminiscent of an Old Testament prophet, railing at the wicked, a seething outpouring of religiously inspired righteousness."
As far as I am concerned Michael Williams (c. 1944-1983); aka Prince Far-I was a prophet.
Whereas Bob Marley's Godly message of Peace and Unity can be considered a sugar, Prince Far-I's thunderous declarations of Discipline and Livity* were the spice.
* = Word used by Rastafarians, meaning 'Righteous Living'
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